So what did you all do for RND? I must admit, I'm not one to join in this this kind of thing, I avoid sponsored activities, don't buy raffle tickets and rarely watch the show itself. Tonight, however, I donated for the first time. A nominal sum but as I was browsing the online shops and channel hopping I caught Rob Brydon talking to a girl about Milo's age who had Malaria. Poorly as she was she looked like the happiest kid and for me that method of "guilting" is far more effective that "look how sad these people are, they have nothing!". It was more "look at this girl, she has everything to live for and is so brave despite her condition". I know it's a controversial one, the country seems divided between those wondering why everyone isn't giving and those who resent sending money outside of the UK, I belong to neither party but would encourage everyone to give something if you can. It could be £1 (you can click in the box an type in a figure) and you can pay online via PayPal.. It couldn't be simpler and what else would you have spent that on? Chocolate? It's the kids that get me every time.. If the shoe were on the other foot I could deal with it myself but watching my children diseased and dying.. Trite as it sounds, we don't know how lucky we are to have been born in the country!
To donate visit this
Miss BB
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