I'm still hearing conflicting information regarding the removal of this much used google function but to be on the safe side I thought I'd use today's diary post to remind you that you can follow my blog in a variety of different ways! Since jumping from blogger to Wordpress I read all of my favourites on my
bloglovin app and there's a reason I gave them pride if place in my sidebar.. I genuinely think it's the best site for the purpose. Of course there are many alternatives, scroll down on the right and you'll see them, you can even register for email alerts if you don't fancy signing up to anything new. Another option is to
like my facebook page, I publish all of my blog posts and videos over there as well as my twitter feed so you won't miss a single conscious thought that way!
If you're a fellow blogger leave your links below so we can all take a peek and those using google reader can start to rebuild their reading list!
Miss BB
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