I've had these used up candles (plus one other I've misplaced somewhere) hanging around the house for months so today I decided to finally attempt to clean them out. A few of you had mentioned in comments on the vlogs that if you pour hot water in to them it's easier so with no further research I gave it a go. Stupidly this is the only photo I took so I can't show you the after but when I clean out my missing one I will update with better pictures. I let them for probably 4 or 5 hours with the water in and something bizarre happened, the wax melted and rose to the surface and as it cooled it set on top. At first the jars were still warm so I didn't want to mess with them too much in case the water inside was very hot but when I checked them just before bed the wax disks popped out easily so that I could clean out the remaining gunk - mainly glue from the wicks. Not only that but I am left with a good amount of wax to use in my oil burner.. not bad, huh? I've heard other say they put candles in the freezer to clean them out and I know there's a chance that glass can break when in contact with boiling water but I'm pretty sure this is the easiest, most effective way to do it.
If you have another technique let me know!
Honestly, the freezer thing is SO easy AND quicker than this, although saying that, I have left mine in the freezer for days! I have also had a few jars break on me, and when they break, they can really explode. I think it depends on the glass used.