
24/06 - Oreo IceCream? No Thanks!

Utterly disappointing. I was so excited to try this but it's just not what I expected at all. Those picky ice cream eaters among you will understand when I say that I was expecting the white ice cream to TASTE like white IceCream but instead it's more like the super creamy Cornish kind - of which I'm not a fan. It just doesn't go with Oreos if you ask me and as a consumer I felt misled by the colour of the product. Am I alone?


  1. Noooo, cornish ice cream is my absolute favourite flavour.. and i absolutely adored the oreo ice cream, cant seem to find it anywhere now though :( x

  2. I thought exactly the same!!! How strange thought maybe i had a bad batch!! I was hoping for the white to taste like the oreo cream!!! Maybe we should make our own! x

  3. I've been umming and ahhing over the cone version of this in my local Tesco... not worth it then?
