Last year I discovered what could quite possibly be the funniest web blog of all web blogs. Shouting At Cows primarily focuses on taking the michael out of popular TV shows and it had me hooked from it's fantastic description of the #MIC cast. From the Exquisite Mark Francis to Rosie and her 'Wide Eyes Of Doom' it had me giggling through, reading aloud to my husband. The nicknames stuck in our household but I forgot all about the site until tonight when watching Made In Chelsea, it dawned on me that not everyone refers to them as Francis Boule CEO and Douchelord Spencer.. we got it from a website.. and I once again lost hours catching up with the recent musings. So so funny, I'm just majorly disappointed that they haven't spoken about MIC since series 2 :(
If you're not convinced/need a little push check out this teaser (one of my fave paragraphs)
"So, remember Ollie with his make-up and his hair and his fake tan? And
Gabriella and her needy desperation? Well, she’s taking him skiing for
his birthday for some alone time. Naturally, he’s invited Binky and
Cheshka but doesn’t tell Gabriella. It’s while they’re hanging out in a
hot tub with Gabriella whining about how Ollie doesn’t treat her as his
girlfriend and that she’s totes in love with him and she’s scared of
skiing that they burst in much to Gabriella’s dismay. Ollie looks like
he’s been saved from a fate worse than running out fake tan."
Oooh fun website! I love a bit of MIC piss taking. The website Holy Moly did some good posts, but haven't seen any for this series.