
20/05 - Once Upon A Time

Have any of you seem this show? I'm a total Netflix addict and I saw the thumbnail so many times but for some reason I thought it was something to do with Taylor Swift. I can't find the picture online but if you use Netflix take a look.. It doesn't look like the show that it is that's for sure. It's kind of supernatural but the general idea is that a woman arrives in a town where everyone is a storybook character but they're under a curse and can't remember anything. There's a boy who knows the story and is trying to convince the woman that she's the key to breaking the curse and saving everyone from the evil queen. I know that might sound mad but I'm almost finished watching the first series and am kicking myself I didn't find it sooner as the second already started on Channel 5 so I missed the start and will have to wait for Netflix to get it. One last thing, I watch Netflix US version and I'm not sure whether it's on on the UK one but it's easy enough to switch, there are plenty of tutorials online! Anywho.. Watch it, it's awesome! And if you already do.. Who's your favourite? I kinda like Red Riding Hood..

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