
05/04 - Self Improvement

My "before" post the other day sparked a little controversy so I thought I would clear something up. I'm 5'1" and weigh 9st which gives me a healthy bmi of 23.8 (if you buy into that kind of thing) but note I am at the top end of "normal". I'm nowhere near underweight and were I just 7lbs heavier I'd be classed as OVERWEIGHT! Now I don't buy into this kind of thing but my promotion of diet and exercise was called into question and so I felt I needed to explain. After having my first baby it took me around 2 years (with no particular effort) to "snap back" to my pre baby shape and since my second baby is now 18 months old and I am 6 years older this time around I thought I'd make the effort to assist that snap. I am happy with my weight but my tummy is rounder than I'd like and I'd like to be generally more toned, if I lose a few lbs in the process that's fine but it's not the aim of the game. If weight loss isn't the goal the before and after pictures are a great way to measure progress so I shared my Before's (along with my friends) so that we can hopefully see results after we finish the exercise programme (program? I never know) and as I mentioned in that post I'm hoping the embarrassment of showing myself in just a bra online will motivate me to carry on so I can share a buffer me in 30 days. I don't think there's anything wrong with that but it was brought to my attention that my attitude toward my body and wanting to improve it may make those heavier than I feel inadequate or inspire body confidence issues in my younger readers. For that I apologise as it was never my intention. I use my blog to chat with you about anything and everything and often forget that I don't actually know who I'm addressing or what may offend them. Friends of mine will know me well enough to know my tone and sense of humour but you don't know me and I would hate to give the impression that I believe anyone of my size or larger should strive to lose weight, that's not the case at all. I'm hoping that if I (possibly the laziest person in the world) can keep this up for 30 days then I can show you anyone is capable and those of you who like me just generally can't be bothered to exercise may feel like giving it a go too.

I do regret my past dalliances with diets and my sharing them with you as on the whole they weren't healthy and not something to promote. My recent weight watchers experience was purely down to a PR "opportunity" for which I was not paid but I thought a lot of you would be interested in weight loss posts so I agreed to join and just hated it. I don't think the plan is good, from what I've read slimming world seems like a better option but I really don't need to diet so you will see no more calorie counting from me. I do however know I should be eating better, too much junk food and fizzy drinks, I just don't feel great so I do want to address my diet in that respect but I'm not about to be posting any cabbage soup recipes so if you had concerns that I may be on the verge of a disorder can we consider them put to rest?

Overall I don't think that sharing fitness "tips" and generally discussing my goals is anything terrible and it definitely keeps me on track when I feel I've promised you I will follow something through but please do not take those posts as a judgment against those uninterested in exercise.. I'm not interested either.. I am merely trying to improve myself and let's face it I'm vain and I want to look good!

To anyone whom I offended, I apologise


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