30/04 - Spring!
29/04 - After
I have to admit we didn't complete the full 30 day shred but we did pretty well and we haven't stopped working out we're just not doing it every day. It was level 2 that killed us.. many have dubbed it the sweat level and I can see why.. it's so hard and given then we were doing it 4 times a week in our lunch hour it was a bit of a nightmare so we started to do out own combination of cardio strength and abs with the equipment and weights in the gym. Anyway.. I thought I would share the results we did get in the 15 days we did the shred, mine are less impressive but Danielle did amazingly well, don't you agree? We haven't dieted and I never truly believed that exercise alone would make a difference but if you work hard and you're not eating more than normal it really does. That being said I've had a larger appetite and have actually gained 4lbs which is odd because my weight doesn't usually fluctuate so I'm going to assume this is muscle. In just this short time my strength and stamina have massively improved and I'm generally more motivated to get moving so although we're no longer keeping up with the program (for now) we definitely haven't given up!
28/04 - Holiday From Hell?
So I may well have just booked the holiday from hell. We decided to try the Sun (newspaper) £15 deal this summer for a short break with the kids, it works out at £60 + extras such as entertainment passes and linens (yes.. extra if you want bed linen!) which seems like a good deal and lets face it a holiday park is never going to be the holiday of a lifetime but it's for the kids, isn't it? Well.. we were a little late on the bandwagon.. it seems you must be an eager beaver to get the good sites and even within the time I was browsing places were disappearing so when I found one that wasn't a crazy distance from our house (2 hour drive is the maximum I want with the baby) I booked it quick. It wasn't until after the fact that I found the horrendous reviews online and am now rather nervous about the whole thing. The write ups range form 'amazing' to 'horrifying' so it's obviously a lot to do with expectations but the weekend we booked is the last of Summer and falls on Ella's birthday so I'd really rather it not be that bad. As a precaution I've booked a rather nice looking new Premier Inn by the docklands (did I mention it was in near/in Liverpool) for the last night which is her actual birthday so worst case scenario we take advantage of the awful kids entertainment and swimming pool for two days and then have a nice day in Liverpool but still.. I'm annoyed that they put so much pressure on you to book within that 10 minute window so you don't really have time to check the place out first. Another note is that they accept NO amendments and would laugh in the face of a cancellation request.. it's only £60 but bearing in mind I'll probably be forced to pay that again for the extras and paid another £40 (lucky there was a sale) for the Premier Inn it's getting to be a pricey weekend so I really hope it's not as awful as some say. For those wondering the park we're staying at is Pontins Southport.. I think the reviews are down to expectations.. some loved it but said it was very basic and others say it needs to be condemned.. I'm guessing if you're used to the Four Seasons it's going to feel more like a prison camp but I'm hoping that the kids will love it.. if you've been there let me know what you thought!
27/04 - Poorly Bear
26/04 - Pink All Over
25/04 - TBT - Paris 2008
24/04 - Pink Hair, Don't Care!
For the past week I've been lusting after a certain bloggers (inthefrow) pink hairdo and been sorely tempted to go for it myself.. The streak you see here was a compromise. The only thing that puts me off a whole head is my dark roots, I'm growing out my natural colour so I don't want to pre lighten and I have a feeling that it won't look right with my regrowth. So for now I will sport intermittent streaks and occasional ombre a to keep my for reaching for a permanent dye. I bought a violet today to mix with my pink so I'm excited to try some different shades at the weekend!!
Have you ever tried any crazy colours in your hair?
23/04 - Memories
22/04 - *sigh*
It's been one of those days! We are still without heat or hot water and at almost midnight I'm just settling into bed having taken 2 hours to fill the bath from 2 kettles *sigh*. On a positive I had a lovely morning with Milo, who was being extremely amiable today. I'm not sure if I've mentioned but I am not his favourite person.. He's firmly a Daddy's boy, he comes to me to play and be tickled but I don't get the same cuddles and kisses Daddy does *sigh*. Today I did get a hug when he forgot himself for a moment before demanding more juice and playing his xylophone very loudly.. Normal service resumed. I got my weeks blogging quota scheduled and I was already ahead with my videos so "work" wise it was a productive day but something about a broken boiler makes everything worse. Fingers crossed tomorrow is the day 'cause after a Tuesday (my Monday) the last thing I want is constant kettle boiling and a late night!
21/04 - A Time Consuming Task
20/04 - Sun!
It was actually really nice out today, our boiler is still out so there I was dressing for the arctic temperatures inside only to discover it was rather pleasant outdoors. We went for a meal to a local pub where the cake stand is so out of place it's bizarre. It looks like something from a patisserie or just generally a nicer restaurant but I'm not complaining. We got "cake-away" and took a huge slice of mars gateau and profiteroles home with us. We took a walk by the lake (which I walk past every day on my way to work) and milo was quite insistent that he was going in the water.. Annoyed is not the word to describe his annoyance when we had to bring him home. He loves it outside and Ella was running around, finding sticks and collecting pepples - kids! I'm really hoping that today marked the start of some warmer weather 'cause its just been dismal lately hasn't it? We went to my parents to shower etc because we have no hot water and as Ella had taken her PJs she decided to stay with Grandma which was probably as much to do with the welcome heat as anything else.. I'd have stayed myself if I could. Anyway.. I am currently working through 17 CDs for my Dad who just got a new car with an SD port for his music so that's a late night for me and lots of fun! See you tomorrow :)
19/04 - Meal Four - Jacket Potato
18/04 - Meal Three - Las Iguanas (oops)
17/04 - Meal Two - Spaghetti Bolognese
16/04 - Meal One - Cheesy Pasta & Chorizo
Already I'm off track with what days we'll eat which but I forgot passata, we already had jacket potatoes once on Sunday and we made epic sandwiches for dinner on Monday which I neglected to show you as the post I published seemed more important. So I will show u the rest if the week and today it's cheesy pasta with chorizo, which by the way I made so much of I have at least two portions I'm taking to work today.. Oops!
Recipe wise I add (a lot of) cheese, cream salt and pepper to the cooked pasta and then shallow fry the chorizo desperately. You uber healthy non-fat lot may want to look away now.. I add a little of the oil I used to fry the sausage in with the pasta.. Super tasty! Easy peasy and my ultimate comfort food!
15/04 - I Can't Just Let Things Go
When does standing up for yourself become bullying? When you involve other people.
I am so not the right personality for YouTube.. I know this but when I started out I thought it was just me and a camera and I can talk all day long.. so I was the right personality.. wrong. YouTube is me, a camera and as many people as are watching that video.. not all of which will like me or what I'm doing, That's where I fall down. The worst thing is that I know the bigger it gets for me the more people will dislike me, it's always outweighed by amazing, positive people who leave great comments but those who aren't so nice seem to stand out. I'm the first to admit I do not deal with the negative comments well but it really does depend on the nature and tone.. generally if it's about me or my appearance I can ignore it, it gets irritating when they're spamming every video but a one off comment, while annoying, is not big deal. What gets to me most (and here's where I go wrong - don't let them know your weaknesses) is the stuff about my kids. I'm quite sure that by the time I blow up and you hear about me kicking off at someone it seems as though I fight every hater I have but that's not the case. I take jab after jab before someone catches me at a bad time and I react. I've been told (when I was TTC) that I didn't look after my daughter and didn't deserve another child, I didn't want my daughter because I agreed on 50/50 custody with my ex husband, I obviously favour my son, I refuse to feed them healthy food, I ignore my children.. These are just the ones I care to remember, there are far worse that I'd rather never think about again. Recently a teenager called my baby ugly and I went mad.. it was about midnight, I was tired and upon reading that comment (via email) I was pretty damn angry. Had it been from just any random viewer I think I could have ignored it but I knew this girl, she'd done it before and I couldn't let it go. I posted her comment on instagram to show her up.. it's a shameful thing to say about a child, call me names all you like but not my kids. If I'm honest I'm still mad even now but the morning after I realised that by showing all of you what this girl had said I was inviting you to attack her. That's not right. I didn't contact her or respond to her comment and so I thought I was venting to a group of friends about some mean girl who'd said something horrid but really I was no better than her.. she's just a kid and I doubt I was her only target but I hope she regrets her actions and realises the hurt words can cause in the right/wrong situation.
I know why I can't let things go, I was bullied all through my school years and I never stood up for myself so now I bite at the first sign of mean and I always regret it. I have always believed that it's nicer to be nice, I'd rather my daughter be the bullied than the bully because as hard as it is when you leave school (which is such a small period of your life) you will still be nice.. they will be nothing in the real world.. people don't put up with bully behaviour and suddenly those kids who felt so big for all those years will be very small.
..But when I consider my behaviour in the past with these people online I have done the equivalent of waiting for them after school with a gang of people ready. Is it because that's what I wish I could have done to the girls who followed me round taunting me? or to the boys who called me a lesbian for a year? or even to the girl that punched me repeatedly in the head (while I just stood there in shock) because he boyfriend asked me out? I have no idea but until this recent event I had never considered that my defending myself wasn't really me at all.. I was asking you to do it and that makes me no better than those playground bullies.
At the start of this year I resolved to delete, block and ignore but something went wrong and as hard as it is I am going to start over and try again. I'm not sure how people who get hundreds of these comments a day are coping but the fact that they are means it's possible (unless they're a blubbering mess off camera lol) so I resolve again to delete, block, ignore and never lower myself again. I'm not that person and I'm a grown woman.. how am I even getting drawn in to these stupid arguments anyway? Apologies if you saw my recent outburst and thanks for those who did offer support but it was the wrong way to deal with the situation and I'll do better next time.
14/04 - ..And I'm Out
13/04 - Our First Meal Plan
12/04 - Take Me Away
We're saving for a car and knowing that I have holiday money in my account right now is pretty darn frustrating but hopefully we will get a new motor next month and be able to start saving for a lil vacay! We have a week off with the kids in August but I'm not quite ready to take Milo abroad yet so we may have to wait until next year *sob* but I guess when you book early you have so much longer to look forward to the trip, right? *sigh*
11/04 - Family Day
Anyone with a toddler will know it's not always easy to leave the house. You have to schedule around nap times and be prepared to leave at a moments notice should the mother if all tantrums occur. Because of this we don't go out as a family as often as we'd like, sure we'll pop to the shops occasionally but a "day out" is the last thing on our wishlist at the moment. Today we took the chance, waited until after Milo's nap, went for food, took them to the arcade where we thought he would be pleased by the sensory overload and it went okay but soon enough baby was tired and that always marks the end of the trip. I've only really noticed this change very recently and am a little nervous it may be the onset of the terrible twos but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he's just growing and needs more sleep. The problem is that he doesn't sleep anywhere but the car and his cot.. Not his pushchair, not the sofa, not even having a cuddle with Daddy so I'm hoping once he's learns to nap elsewhere we'll be cool again.. Just a waiting game.
10/04 - One Of Those Days
09/04 - Trouble Sleeping?
A while ago I was sent a box of goodies from Holland and Barrett all of which claim to promote a good nights sleep and tonight I intend to try them all together for the first time. So far I've only used the Wonder Oil (which I love) and I put a drop of Lavender on Milo's bedding to see if it made a difference to his sleeping patterns (it didn't) but I'm interested to see how they all work together. The Black Cherry concentrate is the least exciting item, I've had a sniff and I'm not looking forward to it but I'm going to give it a go in the name of research! I'm not convinced the Night Cream will do much sleepy wise but it's worth a try!
I really struggle to get to sleep at night, once I'm off I'm fine, I'm no insomniac but it's switching off in the first place I find difficult. Tonight after my bath I will follow the above steps, switch off my bedside technology (Candy Crush calls me in the evening) and see what happens.. will report back tomorrow!
I really struggle to get to sleep at night, once I'm off I'm fine, I'm no insomniac but it's switching off in the first place I find difficult. Tonight after my bath I will follow the above steps, switch off my bedside technology (Candy Crush calls me in the evening) and see what happens.. will report back tomorrow!
08/04 - Sooo.. This Happened
07/04 - Re-org
This afternoon I had one of my "big tidy's" which usually involves moving furniture somewhere.. Today my makeup room got a re-org and I now have 2 new filming areas, yay! When you make as many YouTube videos as I do you get bored of the same old backdrop so it's nice to switch things up and Spring is all about fresh starts, right? I have been eyeing up a new camcorder on that matter which I would give my right arm for but we're saving for a car right now.. As soon as that's done I will treat myself. I lust after designer shoes and bags just like any girl but when push comes to shove I'd rather spend an obscene sum on tech than fashion.. I just appreciate it more! I live my iMac and my dslr totally changed to look of my blog but I'm yet to find the perfect filming camera, my dslr is great quality but it doesn't auto focus so I can only be an arms length away and I never know for sure whether it's clear until I come to t because I can't see the viewfinder. My camcorder has a flip screen and for all intents and purposes should be perfect but it really only works with natural light, if I try to film at night with my light box I end up a horrendous shade of blue that I just can't fix in settings or post. So.. For now I make do, chopping and changing dependant on the filming conditions but I do have aspirations for my channel and I think it's worth the investment.. Plus it gives me such a buzz to get perfect quality footage with zero effort.. Will totally be worth it!
For now I will make do with my new backdrop Khi
06/04 - Another Birthday..
05/04 - Self Improvement
I do regret my past dalliances with diets and my sharing them with you as on the whole they weren't healthy and not something to promote. My recent weight watchers experience was purely down to a PR "opportunity" for which I was not paid but I thought a lot of you would be interested in weight loss posts so I agreed to join and just hated it. I don't think the plan is good, from what I've read slimming world seems like a better option but I really don't need to diet so you will see no more calorie counting from me. I do however know I should be eating better, too much junk food and fizzy drinks, I just don't feel great so I do want to address my diet in that respect but I'm not about to be posting any cabbage soup recipes so if you had concerns that I may be on the verge of a disorder can we consider them put to rest?
Overall I don't think that sharing fitness "tips" and generally discussing my goals is anything terrible and it definitely keeps me on track when I feel I've promised you I will follow something through but please do not take those posts as a judgment against those uninterested in exercise.. I'm not interested either.. I am merely trying to improve myself and let's face it I'm vain and I want to look good!
To anyone whom I offended, I apologise
04/04 - Throwback Thursday
02/04 - Before
that's pretty amazing in a month.
01/04 - Cookie Monster!
How many of you currently have a stash of chocolate taking up your kitchen surfaces that you're not sure what to do with? Okay so chances are you'll eat it but why just eat it when you can make a it a whole lot more interesting?
These are seriously the best cookies ever but the most annoying part of making them for me is 'chipping' the chocolate. It has to be cadburys and I'm not sure how often you've tried to chop up a bar but it's not so easy and throwing it around the kitchen just doesn't cut it - literally. Easter Eggs make the perfect chocolate chips as they crumble so easily and give just the right amount of chocolate per chip.. I may be a little picky. These cookies are also super simple to make, you stir up all the ingredients and dollop a tablespoon of mixture on the baking tray and.. bake. No rolling or cutting, they spread in the oven to the most deliciously soft, gooey yumminess.. I can't even.. just make them!
What you'll need...
125g butter, softened
100g light brown soft sugar
125g caster sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
225g self-raising flour
½ tsp salt
200g chocolate chips
You can read the full 'how to' here but to be honest you can just throw it all in a bowl, put it on the tray, 8mins in the oven at 180 and you're done!
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