Once again I am writing this from my iPad mini, so impressed with this thing! Today I bring you the first of a whole new series of posts I shall call, Dear Diary. With the start of a new year I wanted to start something I could keep up daily throughout 2013 but with no ideas I was running out of time so I put my question to twitter. As usual lots of you came to my rescue with some fab ideas but the one I chose encompassed them all and came from my friend, Laura. My daily diary posts could be a few lines of text, an in depth description of my day, a vlog or even a picture. It's that flexibility that appealed to me as I'm more likely to keep up with it and I would love to look back this time next year and 365 diary entries! Today's is brought to you via YouTube..
You may have noticed an additional tab in my menu above (food) which I added today, I will be adding a diary tab so those of you who want to catch up can find each entry there. On that note if you'd rather cut out all non-beauty posts you can always select the beauty tab to filter out anything lifestyle.. Just FYI.Hope you like this idea and that you'll come back to check up on my coming and goings throughout the year.Miss BB
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