
24/02 - Sunday

I feel like I've had such an unproductive week. I've been feeling ill off and on so lets blame that but I'm determined to be better for the week ahead. I have so many videos and blog posts prepped that if I really focus tomorrow I could get myself sorted for the next fortnight. Talking of two weeks time.. Laura and I have the FABB Leeds meet up on 9th March.. so excited to meet some fellow bloggers and we bought our train tickets to both that and the Manchester even the following Wednesday today so we know we're going now! It's so nice to have found a friend who 'gets' the whole YouTube and blogging thing because so many people don't understand it. I filmed a few videos today and took so many pictures that it was hardly the lazy Sunday I'd hoped for but if I work hard now I can potentially have next weekend 'off'.. I'd love a weekend day with absolutely no plans! Maybe next Saturday can be a pyjama day?
Anywho, to bed with me as I have an early day tomorrow!
Miss BB

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