
01/02 - Vloguary

So.. how are we feeling about naming these diary entries rather than just dating them? Positive I hope. Today marks the start of February and the first day of 'Vloguary' which basically means I will be vlogging every day of the month over on my second channel. If you haven't already subscribed you can do that here or just check back here for the daily updates with my diary posts. I love vlog months and always miss it when they're over but it would be way to much to commit to every single day.. you need the break! Anywho, for today I will just leave you with the first vlog as I'm already up far later than I should be.

FYI I am going out for my Birthday (on Monday) tomorrow so my Diary post and vlog will likely be up early on Sunday morning.. in case you even notice, I thought I'd mention it in case you think I've forgotten again. TFI Friday, huh?

Miss BB

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