Well hello again! So far so good, huh? Today we went shopping.. I already broke my resolution to choose more family days out that don't include that but our initial intention was take the kids to the play centre and then out for lunch but inevitably a little more spending ensued. I will say this though, I personally only came away with a new face powder, some socks, a turban and some much needed sensodyne toothpaste (currently on offer in Boots at 2 for £5 FYI) so it's not like I ransacked Topshop or anything. Ella needed some bits and I don't know.. I just find it ridiculously easy to spend money.. must try harder!

Eating wise I had a not so healthy lunch but I started the day with a salad for brunch and I'm still so full from the delicious burger (with bacon and cheese, nom!) I doubt I'll have more than a slice of toast for dinner. On the food note I've been feeling a little shaky, I usually get that sensation when I'm hungry but I think it's a sugar levels thing. Although I'm not a big sweet-eater I would imagine the fast food we so often indulge in is packed full of all kinds of naughtiness and my body is suffering some kind of withdrawal? It's only been a few days but man.. a McDonalds coke would be so good right now.

While Milo was hard at work on his page, Ella coloured in this masterpiece and cut her own food which for a 7 year old does not sound like an achievement but it's one of those things you just assume your kid knows and it's not until someone else points out to you that they seem to be eating everything with their hands that you pick up the ball #parentingfail. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me? I always wonder about these things, did she not learn because I was so young when I had her that I just had no clue how to raise her or is it just one of those things? I spend hours on end practicing her alphabet with her when she was 2 and 3 only to have her recite it at 6 and have less than half of the letters in the correct order. You think you're doing what you should be doing but you don't realise it's not enough until it's almost too late.. oooh unexpected child rearing ramble.. moving on. Actually Milo has been great this evening, went down fine and hasn't made a sound so fingers crossed the little battle we had last night has done the trick, he's a good baby.

Like i said, I didn't pick up much for myself while shopping but Ella did get a few new pairs of jeans from the wondrous Primark, she went in the changing room to try things on for the first time and felt very grown up. I have really been suffering with my teeth lately and even my iceberg lettuce is painful to eat unless it's room temperature (and who wants that?) so I 'invested' in some swanky toothpaste that I'm hoping will help and if it does I will of course let you know. The girl who keeps telling me my teeth are yellow (noted, I have eyes also!) will be glad to here this also claims to have 'gentle whitening' benefits. My pressed powder broke last weekend so that was an essential replacement (no fun) and the socks were also necessary since I just bought some shortie boots and they just don't look right with jeans without a buffer so I'm hoping this will fix that. My last little bit of haulage was this rather funky leopard print hair turban from Primark, I have been using the extortionately priced Soap & Glory version for a while now but it went in the wash with a new pair of jeans and the cute pink and white is now a patchy navy so I decided to go budget on a replacement. I'm wearing it now and so far so good but given the difference in price (S&G's is £7.00!!!) I will be doing a comparison soon!

As I mentioned in today's' video, I wont always have a vlog to correspond with my daily diary but I'm really enjoying just talking to the camera again. Back when I first started YouTube I would just pick up my phone and chat to you guys about whatever popped in to my head and I guess that was the purpose of my vlog channel. I want my beauty channel to be aesthetically pleasing, coherent and consistent so shaky-cam, low quality rambling may bring down the 'tone' somewhat but I do miss that raw connection with the people watching so I think I'll be doing more of that this year.
Miss BB