
31/01 - Simpsons Tapped Out


This is the best game ever. I could just end it there but I won't. It's. it unlike the farming/cooking/building games you may have been addicted to in the past but they use the characters and snippets of storyline to keep you on the hook. Another great feature is every time thing seem to be getting a little dull they update the game and give you a who,e new seasonal expansion.. And did I mention its all free?? There is an in game currency you can spend real money on but unlike some free games you can play indefinitely without feeling the pressure to buy this and no gameplay is lost by just playing with the basic freebies. That being said I'm a sucker and have indeed spent my hard earned cash of virtual donuts but hey.. I'd have happily paid for this game so I felt justified. I use the donuts to speed up gameplay for the most part but like I said, you really don't need them. Since the Valentines update launched today I have been checking back for little additions and waiting for my "neighbours" to update their games so I can do my social gameplay stuff so I thought I'd let those of you that don't have this that you need it and that you can add me uf you like ;)

My origin name is mekj1986

Miss BB


30/01 - By My Bedside


Today I thought I'd show you what I'm keeping by my bedside. My current body lotion is intensive since my skin has been super dry due to the recent cold snap. I'm using a new lip balm from Superdrug and may have found my holy grail lip care.. More on this later. My iPhone is on charge and my watch and rings are laying there waiting to be put back on once my lotion has absorbed.. Does anyone else do this? Lastly you may have noticed I am burning an unseasonable candle, well I'm feeling festive.. Just am!

And that's my bedside table. What do you keep on yours?

Miss BB


This did go up last night but there was some kind of problem so I had to repost.. also, I decided I would start naming my diary entries, what do you think?


Dear Diary 29/01


I'm going to write a whole post about our trip (for those interested) but I thought I'd switch it back to TV today, CatFish! Who's watching it? I didn't think I'd like it at all but it seriously draws you in. Every week you're wondering "what's wrong with this guy?, why is he not meeting this girl?" And you just can't stop watching!

On another note, we watched Wanderlust last night and it was weird. I love Jennifer Aniston and I love Paul Rudd but that film.. Not what I was expecting!

What have you been watching lately?

Miss BB


Dear Diary 28/01


It's my anniversary so lets face it, my top priority is not this post but I will of course give you a brief rundown of today's events..

We shopped, we ate, we were buffered around Covent garden by the fierce wind and we're already tucked up in bed for the night.. Rock n Roll, huh? Well I haven't felt A1 today and just couldn't do a night on the town but we have treated ourselves to a glass of Mumms (well.. It IS our anniversary) and plan to watch a movie on Netflix.. Bliss if you ask me! We have a few hours tomorrow so I'm keeping everything crossed that I'll feel much better and get in a little more shopping :)

See you back at home!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 27/01

As is our accidental tradition I got another early gift. This one is just a day early though because it was an anniversary present. Lee had bought me such an awesome birthday gift that I made him promise to keep it small for this one, I wanted something I could hold on to (not flowers/chocolates) but nothing over the top and this is perfect! I'm not big on bulky jewellery, especially when it comes to bracelets. Given how much time I spend at a desk I hate the constant jangling so this elasticated design is great and I plan to get a little charm tomorrow as a celebratory reminder. I'll show you it properly in another post!

But anywho, that's all from me cause I really need to hit the hay but I will be updating lots tomorrow along with much vlogging so look out for that soon!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 26/01


It happened, it finally happened. I forgot to post my diary entry. I had a good run, eh? I woke up about 3 minutes ago and it was the first thing that jumped in to my head so the picture above is my current view from bed. In the interest of consistency I thought I'd jot down a little something about 27/01 now.. Would be awfully annoying to get to new year with 364 posts, wouldn't it? So.. I can't believe Rylan won CBB.. I would have been shocked if Speidi won but by the end I really didn't want Eylan to and his hysterical reaction was ridiculous! He took it WAY too seriously and was easily as two faced and fake as speidi if not more so. But anyway.. I feel 13 talking about CBB so I'm so pleased its finally over, did you hear Heidi & Spencer are getting their own show? Yes!!


I ordered a dress for my birthday (above) which finally arrived, what do you think? It's from oasis and was £29 down from £60!! Bargain! That's the best thing about my birthday being so early in the year.. Everything is on sale. The best thing is it's an 8 and it fits lie a glove! I suspect this is why it made it in to the sale (lol) the sizing is probably a bit off. On that note, here's what I had for dinner (mmmmm)


I'm off to eat the leftovers for breakfast now! (Size 8? Lol!)

Miss BB


Dear Diary 25/01

Today has been a long and eventful one . Several people left my office never to return and there is to be quite the shake up. I won't dwell on work too much but ugh!!! TFI FRIDAY! This evening my brother popped round with my birthday present (a week early) demanding it be opened as it had just arrived. It was this..


Random and hilarious but I will talk about them in another post once I've actually used them properly. Pretty cool though. Anywho I want to leave you with a major comedy moment from my current favourite show which you should ALL be watching!!!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 24/01


Recently my subscription box has been a little lacklustre and after watching all of the videos from my favourite YouTubers I decided to venture out into the world of browsing. Now I don't typically actively search for new people to watch because I usually don't have time to watch the ones I'm already subbed to but right now the options are limited. I'm not sure if there are maybe not so many videos because people are still not totally "back" from their Christmas breaks yet or if the videos they're putting out just aren't interesting me but I was looking for something new and came across EleventhGorgeous. I know lots of you will be like "whaa??" Cause I know I'm totally late to the EG party but I thought I'd share my "find" for the benefit of those like me who'd never stumbled across one of their videos before. I imagine they're a little love/hate but I'm a massive fan of the super positive American vibe and they somehow keep it fresh and interesting rather than sandy and blah. Big thumbs up from me!

Out of interest, what are your favourite videos to watch? I always wonder!

In other news I am rather excited that its Friday tomorrow and we're in London on Monday, woop!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 23/01


Wow! How awkward did #CBB get after the whole letters from home task? Sheesh! I know it's a controversial standpoint but I am Team Speidi, if for no other reason than they seem to be lacking in fans. I like them in the same way you may like Malificent or Jafar.. They play a good villain and even back on the Hills when I was firmly Team LC I always had a soft spot for Heidi and Spencer. She is definitely in his shadow and without him would be an all round nicer person but celebs like Speidi aren't famous for being nice and nobody wants them to be. If it wasn't for them what on earth would have been going on in the house? Nothing. It might have been the dullest line up of people they could have thrown together. I think Ryan has the best measure of them on the show.. They're playing the game, they're playing characters and that's what they've been paid to do.

Who do I want to win? Well.. Not Speidi (lol) I like them but they're not likeable and it doesn't really mean anything to them. I believe there is an eviction tonight but I'm gonna go out in a limb and say they will be in it til the end but there's no way they'll win. Claire has a good chance after a massive boost of sympathy with the whole letter thing and Razor is a great personality so they're my top picks. I know Rylan was favourite when he went in but the way he's gone off at the much hated couple I don't think has painted him in a very good light either. I get that he was annoyed but he went way over the top and it definitely affected my opinion of him. Claire and Frankie understand the concept of rising above the negativity and "taking the high road" but the others scream and shout and Rylan behaves like a complete child.

Did I expect to write an entire post on big brother? No, but after tweeting my support for the Americans and receiving nothing but shock and disgust I'm wondering who your favourites are and whether you think Speidi are really as terribly as they appear..

Miss BB


Dear Diary 22/01


Officially the first day there very almost wasn't a dear diary post. I went to bed early and was settling in to watch my current favourite show Parks & Recreations (photo reference) when I realised.. Uh oh! So all I have to say today is if you're not watching parks & recs right now you should be!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 21/01

This is amazing. That is all.

Ok I really did consider that being todays entire post because that sums up my Monday pretty well but I do have more to say. So my bag came.. obviously! but also lots of other stuff did too! I ordered a 'man bag' for Lee from Superdry which he loves and will be taking away with us next week. That was one thing I knew we needed as we plan to go straight out from the train and not get back to the hotel til the evening so we didn't want to have any huge bags with us to carry around. My new bag is luckily large enough to fit in a change of tshirt and my essentials and Lee's is plenty big enough for his stuff.. and maybe some of mine.. perfect! I've decided to save my bag for our trip so it's extra special but it's painful not to get filling it now, I'm dying to see what I can cram in it. I will be filming a 'What's In My Bag' very soon along with a 'packing for a night away' video because my space will be limited so I thought it could be useful. I also filmed an unboxing video which is terrible quality but you get the vibe of my general excitement..

Some other stuff that came today.. tesco shopping, always fun, I ordered some mini perfumes from Next that I'm looking forward to testing out so I can pick one to take away with us. That might be it actually but I finally filmed the haul I've been promising and that will go up on Wednesday. In fact.. for those interested I have 3 videos scheduled, Weds: Haul, Sat: Makeup Collection and Monday: How I Clean My Brushes. I love having videos filmed and uploaded ahead of time, when you work til 6 it can be a little stressful to get home and think about filming and editing so getting things straight on a Monday is essential for me. I'm blogged up for a week and a half too *phew*. That's what I'm loving about these daily posts, they're totally informal and easy.. if I have a lot to say I say it, if I don't it doesn't matter.. no pressure! Anywho.. I'm off to watch an episode of Pretty Little Liars before Lee gets in from fighting (hopefully McDonalds in hand) then to bed with my handbag.


Miss BB


Dear Diary 20/01


First and foremost I had perhaps the best nights sleep if my night last night! If you've been following these diary posts you'll know Milo hasn't been sleeping well lately and that he went to Grandmas last night to give us a break.. And what a break it was! I filmed, I edited, I slept in until NINE! Bliss. But enough about that, I have to say that my day has been filled with thoughts of my beautiful new handbag and surfing the tinterweb for reviews and pictures. It would seem that the largest sized bag in the MAC line that I've ordered is not so popular so I've found practically nothing but from what I've seen in the smaller versions its looking good for this to be my every day bag. I was a little worried it would be too small but It looks like even the littler ones would be ok so fingers crossed! I'm currently sitting in bed watching Parks and Recreations (new favourite show on Netflix FYI) waiting for Lee to get out of the bath so we can have tea.. In bed.. I know! Something about Sundays really tires me out and I'm always in bed early so I figured why not just have dinner there? Lol.

Lastly, if you read this in time there's a teeny bit of time left on the Clarisonic co-buy from buyapowa. I use mine everyday and so many people ask if its worth the money, well it's currently £30 off and best off all you can choose a colour (mines just boring old white) - deal is here

Happy Sunday (I can say that, I don't work Mondays)

Miss BB


Dear Diary 19/01


Today was our first official snow day. I'm not usually a huge fan if "playing" in the cold stuff but I thought I'd make an exception and it was actually a lot of fun. If it sticks around we may even delve into snow man territory. We took the kids out on the sled, it's really Milo's first snow experience and he seems interested, he loved being pulled around with Ella.

I've been trying to film enough videos for the coming fortnight to cover our anniversary and my birthday as they fall on my regular YouTube/blogging days so this afternoon was editing editing editing but I have 3 in the bag and a huge list for tomorrow. I think my favourite part of making videos is the editing so although it's taking up more of my time I'm enjoying it.

In other news I am still very excited about the impending arrival of my new bag as mentioned yesterday and I received a very cool gift from the Ted Baker peeps earlier. It's a 2013 diary that wolf whistles when you open it.. How awesome is that? I will show it in a vlog soon 'cause the description just doesn't do it justice!


Anyway.. Here's today's snow day vlog..

Miss BB


Dear Diary 18/01


Today I was perhaps the tiredest I've ever been. I was up all night with Milo and only managed a couple of hours on the sofa when he paused to cuddle. So my day didn't start well as you'll see in the below vlog but it ended MUCH better!! Lee told me what he was planning to get me for my birthday because he wasn't sure if I'd prefer spending money for our London trip but I'm more than happy with his pick!! Sure enough the boy can take a hint and I will soon be the proud owner of a Rebecca Minkoff Mac Daddy.. It was a toss up between that and the mini mac clutch but we found such a good deal on the larger size online here and I know I'll get so much more use out if it. So you can colour me happy this evening and even happier when it arrives!!! I haven't given up on the mini version altogether, I think I'll treat myself to a funky coloured one for summer but I definitely made the right choice getting the big one in classic black! I estimate cost per wear will make it as good as free lol. I also booked our London hotel today too so I'm all set for next weekends celebrations and am really looking forward to a night away!

Oh and also the bag was the last in stock.. Meant to be!!!!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 17/01


Omfg! How freaking cold has it been today? And supposedly it's going to get worse!! I love winter and I love the snow but can't it wait til my day off to be freezing so I don't have to walk to work in it? On the positive my walk is very picturesque right now, a real winter wonderland (see my vlog at the end). I left milo at his childminders today dressed like a happy little elf and then walked out into this frozen world.. I think Christmas should move to January because its a lot Moore festive!


We've been looking for a London hotel for our anniversary stay and may have decided on the Thistle Piccadilly.. It looks lovely and the price is right we just want to do a little more browsing before we book. I got some great suggestions on cut price dining and events yesterday so thanks to those who commented.. I'm excited to plan something romantic for the evening but as always we will decide last minute. I'm about to jump into a super hot bath to thaw out from the coldest day of the year so far, hope you're all keeping nice and warm wherever you are and are looking forward to the weekend!


The first picture is my name in apps.. Too much time on my hands??

Miss BB


Dear Diary 16/01


I'm getting rather excited for our anniversary/my birthday now. We've settled on The Velvet hotel in Manchester for our night away and I figure I'll probably get in a spot of shopping at the nearby Trafford Centre (hehe) while we're there.. Would be rude not to! I plan to pick up a few things on my wish list while I'm there and it's always a thrill to visit a Forever21 store.. The accessories area alone is worth the trip.

I'm not sure what to do for my actual birthday though, I was thinking a meal but its been such a long time since I had a good night out I think perhaps a few drinks may be in order.. But that then leads to a party dress! What to wear? The eternal question!

What are you looking forward to this month?

Miss BB


Dear Diary 15/01


I'm getting rather excited for our anniversary/my birthday now. We've settled on The Velvet hotel in Manchester for our night away and I figure I'll probably get in a spot of shopping at the nearby Trafford Centre (hehe) while we're there.. Would be rude not to! I plan to pick up a few things on my wish list while I'm there and it's always a thrill to visit a Forever21 store.. The accessories area alone is worth the trip.

I'm not sure what to do for my actual birthday though, I was thinking a meal but its been such a long time since I had a good night out I think perhaps a few drinks may be in order.. But that then leads to a party dress! What to wear? The eternal question!

What are you looking forward to this month?

Miss BB


Dear Diary 14/01


I finally changed our sheets today (that sounds gross but I just mean I couldn't be bothered yesterday). Don't you love fresh sheets? It may not be a perfectly made bed but it's perfectly cosy and after my bath it's going to feel SOOO good!


I received this little pot of wonder balm today from Organic Surge. I used it on my lips but it's not really thick enough for a lip balm, I think it's more for super dry areas of the face and body but I will be trialling that over the next week or 2 to review for you guys.


In other news it SNOWED today and a certain someone was very excited. We only went out in it for a minute so he could catch some but I hope we get some more so he can take his walk in the snow. Last year he was tiny but this year he will love it. It feels like he's already so grown up but he still has all of these little first experiences ahead if him!


Any who.. I'm gonna go jump in a nice hot bath and get ready for bed, work tomorrow (already?!?) but before you know it it will be the weekend again.. Think positive!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 13/01


Uh oh!! Almost forgot to post again..,we're not even a month in to 2013.. That can't be a good sign! Not a lot happened today, we did A LOT of laundry and I had planned to change our sheets but ultimately couldn't be bothered.. Tomorrow! I got a lot of blogging done though so it's just videos to film tomorrow.. Any requests? I thought I would show you my iPad homepage, I instagrammed this screenshot the other night to demonstrate the blogs I am loving right now. Are any of your favourites in there?

In other news our current Netflix series, White Collar ended so we're looking for something to replace it, we're watching the pilot of West Wing right. Ow but I'm just not sure.. Any suggestions? If you haven't already watched White Collar you MUST! It's addictive.. I really must watch something less interesting at night as it's absolutely not helping the bags under my eyes. Lastly I tried the "give me texture" range from VO5 tonight, I will post on it of course but am totally loving the tousle spray.. My natural waves are so much easier to style and it's going to help with my attempt to avoid heat while I'm growing it out.

That's all for today.. I will try not to forget tomorrow

Miss BB


Dear Diary 12/01


Today was a long one.. Kids birthday parties can be brutal at the best of times but I have been so tired lately it really took it out of me. Lee took the baby this morning and allowed me a lie in but it doesn't seem to have helped, I wouldn't be surprised if I was coming down with something but hopefully a few early nights will fix me up.. I blame Big Brother for keeping me up late.

I uploaded my "day in the life" video today, this was a regular work day but I will film my blogging/youtubing on Monday to hopefully answer those FAQs about how I organise my time and fit everything in. Each week is different but if everything runs smoothly I aim to have 3 videos filmed and edited and 7 posts written on a Monday to set me up for the week. I hate feeling any extra pressure on a week day but often find things to do.. That's something I've got to work on. I don't finish work til 6 so I don't have a great deal of time with Lee and the kids in the evening and I need to make the effort to focus on that and try to keep my blogging activities to a minimum!

But anyway, that's enough for today, tomorrow's Sunday, why are weekends so short?

Miss BB


Dear Diary 11/01


Do you know the best thing about these daily entries? I can share little excitements like this with you as soon as I hear about them. I just put in an order on Forever21 and bought 3 jumpers for myself and a pair of chino's for him indoors and the total came to just £30! Better still one of the jumpers was "full price" at £14 so the saving on the rest was phenomenal! A sale at F21 is always good anyway because you're discounting already super affordable items but tack on an ADDITIONAL 50% off and I challenge you not to find something you want to buy. Orders under £50 are subject to £3.95 delivery but fast shipping is only a pound more so I decided.. What the hell? Apologies for those who are trying to tighten their belts after Christmas for tempting you with these bargain buys but no budget blogger worth their salt could keep this to themselves!

Also.. How amazing was CBB tonight? Loving Speidi more every day!

Miss BB
(No relation to CBB)


Dear Diary 10/10


We're moving away from Big Brother today and on to Pretty Little Liars. It's not super popular here in the Uk and had it not been for my US YouTube addiction I probably would never have heard of it but it's awfully addictive! I watch it via Netflix which is a UK service but I pay a site called to hide my IP address and fool my router into believing I'm stateside. It's a minimal fee for a twice the online library and I would thoroughly recommend it.. In fact I have.. Many times! If you're not too tech-savvy You can watch a step by step tutorial here on she's a very useful source for lots of tetchy things actually!


On another note, how freakin' cold has it been?? Milo was so cute this morning, all snuggled up on his way to the childminders - does that remind anyone else of the child catcher? Just me? - anyway, he was playing hidey boo with his blanket which you can see in today's vlog. I'm really going to miss my baby when he's big :(

It's almost Friday!!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 09/01

I'm under strict orders to be bathed and in bed in 15 mins so I have to ramble something off here quickly before all internet privileges are taken away. Technically it was agreed upon that I would be in bed for 9 after a string of late nights followed by a 4am wake up call this morning from Milo bear have caught up with me and I really need to get a good nights sleep. Tonight I will be talking about Paula Hamilton who as I type this is talking to herself like a maniac while applying her makeup. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then you're a saner person than I because you've avoided this years Celebrity Big Brother, I don't know how but this year they sucks me in and I've developed an almighty hatred for this woman. We were watching purely for Speidi after loving them in The Hills and if they're evicted over Crazy-Woman Hamilton I will be PISSED! She initially irritated me (while entertaining me thoroughly) by assuming that the all-famous Toadie from Neighbours was a crew member and ordering him to help her out of her chair but as the days go by the evidence against her grows. Razor Ruddock said it best 'If you've been Tenerife, she's been Elevenerife'.. favourite quote of the show so far. Back to the subject of Speidi, I know a lot of people hate them but much as I'll always be team LC I will always have a soft spot for Heidi and having seen them in a less staged setting (kind of) they obviously do love each other and it's heart warming to see when you can't help but assume these things are put on. Oh God, Paula is now in floods of tears over a bracelet Heidi gave her declaring she would 'take a bullet for her' *sigh*. It gets worse.. she isn't allowed to hurt anyone because she has a "Karate License" It gets more and more ludicrous.. I have to go because I'm late for bed but also.. I just can't talk about Big Brother anymore without boring you all to Paula-like tears.

My favourites (other than Speidi of course) are Frankie and Razor so far.. who do you want to win it?

Miss BB


Dear Diary 08/01

br />
Today's entry will be a short one (pardon the pun.. There is one, I'll get to it..) and we'll steer clear of the topic of food, I think you've heard enough. Actually just one quick note. It was my first work day counting points and I did pretty well, 29 (allocation is 26) with a hardcore gym session at lunchtime so I'm pleased with myself. Anyway.. I just got a lovely tweet from @mslittlelouder informing me she had nominated me for a "shorty award". I actually had no idea what this was but it seems you can nominate people for all kinds of social media participation. I will maybe post on that separately later on when I understand a little more about it but if you're interested in putting forward your favourite you can check it out here. I don't believe there is a limit to how many people you can vote for and I can think of lots across several categories already so I will be tweeting for my favourites. For sure. I started a vlog today but forgot to continue and now I'm lying in bed with toothpaste on a couple of spots that refuse to shift I'm not sure I'm quite "camera ready".. Maybe tomorrow. Any who I promised a short one for once, not the regular war and peace so I'll sign off and plead with Lee to give me a much needed back rub while I'm looking so very attractive ;)

Miss BB


Dear Diary 07/01

Today was my first official day counting Weight Watchers points, good time for my Asda shopping to arrive, huh? I ordered plenty of good stuff for my meal plans and am looking forward to sharing my favourites with you. If you didn't catch it already you can watch my "grocery haul" below..

I find it so much easier to avoid snacking when I'm home, today I was so busy I didn't even manage breakfast til midday. I love these porridge pots, all about the convenience for me and it doesnt get any more convenient than "just add hot water".

For dinner I had a makeshift pizza.. Actually make that two and a Maple Syrup Nature Valley Bar - yum! Milo was super clingy today so I didn't get half the work done I had planned but I finally filmed my Essie collection video which will go up on Wednesday. It could quite possibly be the longest editing job I've ever done but hopefully it will be worth the effort. Blogging took a bit of a sideline to catching up with Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and baby snuggles.. But back to the food..

This is a staple when I'm on a healthy eating kick. Its quick, easy and best of all doesn't feel like a light meal. I used to use regular tortilla wraps but these square-ish wraps from Warburtons are much more substantial yet the same calorie content. Including toppings this comes in at around 8 PP points which is not bad! I've also made my lunches for the next couple of days, tuna, bean and lettuce wraps and ham, cheese and chicken salad. Meals during work are the hardest for me, wraps and salads are my only options right now but as always any suggestions you may have to share are appreciated!


Day 1 of WW counting down
Points spent: 27 (of allowed 26)

Until tomorrow

Miss BB


Dear Diary 06/01


I'm currently watching Jeremy Piven on Jonathan Ross and very excited about Mr Selfridge which starts on ITV tonight. Anyone else looking forward to that? I don't love period dramas and have never seen an episode of the ever popular Downton Abbey but this looks interesting! In other news Lee has just popped out for my last hurrah pizza before I officially start my weight watching tomorrow.. Oh Luciannos, how I will miss your thin crust and paprika laced fries. If you're lucky he'll be back before I finish this post and you can drool over a picture of my last meal as I'm eating it.. Oh wouldn't you just love that?

I've been blogging up a storm this afternoon and managed to squeeze in a video this morning so I'm ahead of the game for my first Monday back to normal service. I figured I'd be slower than normal so could do with the head start. I finally filmed the "what's in my shower tag" that's been requested for months, my main issue was that I don't really take showers and my bath side is a little dinger than I care to share but I recently invested in some stick on wire baskets to organise my lotions and potions so it seemed like a good time. I love watching those videos so I hope you enjoy mine, it will be up tomorrow.


Another thing to look forward to tomorrow is my Asda delivery.. What? You're not looking forward to that? Pfft! I filled my basket with all kinds of goodies which will hopefully keep me on the WW straight and narrow - if you see anything on there that sounds too delicious it's probably for Lee or Ella, *sigh*. No but in all seriousness I live the first day of healthy eating, I feel immediately better and especially after gobbling up this entire pizza tonight (well I can't exactly leave myself leftovers for tomorrow now can I?) I will appreciate the lighter stuff that much more. Is Antiques Roadshow still on TV 'cause I swear I can hear my elderly neighbours watching it.. Surely not. Anyway, on that bombshell I'll sign off for today, I really do think I could just type forever but how interesting is my stream if consciousness? Oooh Lee just got home!!! Will show you my yummy pizza in a sec but one last thing I think I've failed to mention thus far.. Celebrity Big Brother. I'm watching it for the first time in maybe 7 years and I'm hooked, Paula whatserchops mistaking Toadie from Neighbours for a crew member had me giggling for days!! So expect more on that! But now..



Actually.. That reminds me of one of the BEST YouTube videos.. I'll warn you now that if this is the first time you're watching MyHarto you could be in for a long night!

Miss BB


Dear Diary 05/02

It's only the 5th but today I almost forgot to post my Dear Diary.. That can't be a good sign, can it? Luckily I remembered just in time so the streak continues. Today we went shopping for a full length mirror, unfortunately I couldn't find an unscuffed one of the style I liked but of course I did not come home empty handed. I was so tempted by the skyline lamp above (£14.99 from Range) but I left it in favour of a trip to TKMaxx where I found this beauty..

I've been admiring it for months but the last time I went in it was gone. I always figured I'd buy it eventually but at £25 I couldn't justify buying another piece of (what Lee would classify as) "tat".. BUT when I saw it today for the low low price of £5 I obviously had to have it. It was fate and it's now sitting beautifully on my side table. On a side note, I also picked up a Christmas hand wash I'd been listing after which was half price in the sale and another bathroom organiser.. I outgrew the first one QUICKLY!
I didn't film a specific Dear Diary post today but I did film our little shopping trip so if you want to see that..

Until tomorrow..

Miss BB


Dear Diary 04/01


This was my walk to work this morning, I don't hate it! Although it can be chilly during the winter months I'm glad of the exercise and even happier not to be stuck in traffic. When you sit for a living (which as an office worker, I do) a bit of fresh air feels really good and I'm never miserable to get to work after such a scenic walk in. Today was Friday so no matter what happens you know the weeks almost out, right? I am looking forward to getting back to my regular routine, I've missed my Mummy and Milo Mondays! Speaking of Milo he may have called me Mama for the first time today but I can't be sure.. Pretty exciting though, he's growing up fast. I've been shopping for an anniversary gift for Lee and think I've found "the one" I want to get something he wants and can keep but is a bit special. It's perhaps not the most conventional anniversary gift but if I get what I have in mind I know he will love it. In an ideal world I'd buy him a watch but I can't afford anything better than he already has while we're saving for a car so that will have to wait. There's no video today, just my textual rumblings but I will leave you with a sneak peek at a tutorial I edited this evening. It's my first "photo" tutorial for my blog but I'm really pleased with it and might stick to these over videos in future.


One last note, a friend of mine, StyleSoCoy started blogging again after an extended absence so why don't you head over and show her some love?

Miss BB


Daily Diary 03/01


Well hello again! So far so good, huh? Today we went shopping.. I already broke my resolution to choose more family days out that don't include that but our initial intention was take the kids to the play centre and then out for lunch but inevitably a little more spending ensued. I will say this though, I personally only came away with a new face powder, some socks, a turban and some much needed sensodyne toothpaste (currently on offer in Boots at 2 for £5 FYI) so it's not like I ransacked Topshop or anything. Ella needed some bits and I don't know.. I just find it ridiculously easy to spend money.. must try harder!


Eating wise I had a not so healthy lunch but I started the day with a salad for brunch and I'm still so full from the delicious burger (with bacon and cheese, nom!) I doubt I'll have more than a slice of toast for dinner. On the food note I've been feeling a little shaky, I usually get that sensation when I'm hungry but I think it's a sugar levels thing. Although I'm not a big sweet-eater I would imagine the fast food we so often indulge in is packed full of all kinds of naughtiness and my body is suffering some kind of withdrawal? It's only been a few days but man.. a McDonalds coke would be so good right now.


While Milo was hard at work on his page, Ella coloured in this masterpiece and cut her own food which for a 7 year old does not sound like an achievement but it's one of those things you just assume your kid knows and it's not until someone else points out to you that they seem to be eating everything with their hands that you pick up the ball #parentingfail. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me? I always wonder about these things, did she not learn because I was so young when I had her that I just had no clue how to raise her or is it just one of those things? I spend hours on end practicing her alphabet with her when she was 2 and 3 only to have her recite it at 6 and have less than half of the letters in the correct order. You think you're doing what you should be doing but you don't realise it's not enough until it's almost too late.. oooh unexpected child rearing ramble.. moving on. Actually Milo has been great this evening, went down fine and hasn't made a sound so fingers crossed the little battle we had last night has done the trick, he's a good baby.


Like i said, I didn't pick up much for myself while shopping but Ella did get a few new pairs of jeans from the wondrous Primark, she went in the changing room to try things on for the first time and felt very grown up. I have really been suffering with my teeth lately and even my iceberg lettuce is painful to eat unless it's room temperature (and who wants that?) so I 'invested' in some swanky toothpaste that I'm hoping will help and if it does I will of course let you know. The girl who keeps telling me my teeth are yellow (noted, I have eyes also!) will be glad to here this also claims to have 'gentle whitening' benefits. My pressed powder broke last weekend so that was an essential replacement (no fun) and the socks were also necessary since I just bought some shortie boots and they just don't look right with jeans without a buffer so I'm hoping this will fix that. My last little bit of haulage was this rather funky leopard print hair turban from Primark, I have been using the extortionately priced Soap & Glory version for a while now but it went in the wash with a new pair of jeans and the cute pink and white is now a patchy navy so I decided to go budget on a replacement. I'm wearing it now and so far so good but given the difference in price (S&G's is £7.00!!!) I will be doing a comparison soon!


As I mentioned in today's' video, I wont always have a vlog to correspond with my daily diary but I'm really enjoying just talking to the camera again. Back when I first started YouTube I would just pick up my phone and chat to you guys about whatever popped in to my head and I guess that was the purpose of my vlog channel. I want my beauty channel to be aesthetically pleasing, coherent and consistent so shaky-cam, low quality rambling may bring down the 'tone' somewhat but I do miss that raw connection with the people watching so I think I'll be doing more of that this year.

Miss BB


Dear Diary 02/01

Here I am again (as promised) with Dear Diary Day 2. Today will be food focused as I had my first healthy eating attempt of the year with tuna and Mexican beans for "breakfast", chicken, ham and cheese salad (is that weird?) for lunch and yoghurt and granola for my post gym snack (along with another portion of tuna and beans of course) it was delish and filled me up.. I didn't feel the urge to snack at all. I did fall down this evening with a chicken and bacon goodfellas pizza (lol) but I shared it with Lee and in truth I just could NOT be arsed to cook. This is my biggest stumbling block wen trying to eat better but I do have a fall back meal that's quick and easy I will share with you soon.. Just not AS quick and easy as pizza.



As I mentioned in yesterday's vlog Milo is still not sleeping well, in fairness once he's off he doesn't often wake during the night but we've had a few evenings of tears so it's been controlled crying this evening which is never easy but necessary if the baby is getting used to getting up at night.. But I know that's a controversial opinion.

I started vlogging my outfits again today but have had to make do with my ipad as my camcorder just won't perform unless the lighting is perfect which it most certainly isn't at the moment in the uk, dark & dingy morning til at least march I reckon.

Someone on twitter suggested I record the best part of my day in these diary entries and I like that.. A positive spin on even the worst day! Today we decided (I think) where to go to celebrate our anniversary. Initially we had grand designs on foreign locations but we realised the money was better spent elsewhere so we'll be spending the weekend in luxurious Leeds. There's a restaurant there I've been wanting to try for a while and the shopping is great (Harvey Nicks here I come) so I'm looking forward to it.

One last thing, I used my pedometer for the first time today to record my walk to work and general activeness (word?) during the day and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I took it off for my gym session and I think that's good for an office worker that sits all day but I've never counted my steps before so correct me if I'm wrong.. It's a decent walk to work though.

So that's what I did today and boy can I ramble? If you want to see today's vlog here it is..

Miss BB